
Accelerator Program

Test new business ideas and develop sustainable business models with The Web Secret Mentorship


An accelerator is a program to develop, test, and grow new business ideas in a successful sandbox environment. Teams collaborate virtually following a structured approach designed to bring new products or services to market at start-up speed.

Accelerator journey

  • Scope the challenge and set up the team for success
  • Explore and validate the customer problem
  • Prototype and test multiple solutions
  • Define and test a sustainable business model
  • Build a go-to-market plan
Service Request Form (#4)

From aspiring founders to early stage entrepreneurs, The Web Secret Accelerator Program can scale your vision into a thriving business.

We now are going to start choosing every 3 months, over 500 early-stage entrepreneurs along with their companies to join one of our 3-month, mentorship-driven accelerators, investing up to $10K and providing hands-on mentorship and access to the The Web Secret network for life.

Build and develop an incredible team.


Startup communities are remarkable, world-changing networks, with literally limitless potential. But they need leaders who not only understand the power of founder-focused entrepreneurial ecosystems, but know how to build them from the ground up.

We start with a comprehensive assessment. We put a team in place, run some experiments, learn and adapt. Then we work the community to build a lasting infrastructure. It’s deep, important and highly collaborative work – work that makes a real difference.


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